fridge and poppers

How to keep your poppers fresh?

Whether you’re a beginner or a poppers enthusiast, today we’re going to talk about how to keep your poppers fresh.

As you know, poppers are liquid and evaporate easily. If you wish to know a few tips on how to keep yours poppers efficiently, this article is fr you ! Keeping your amyl, propyl or pentyl nitrites won’t have secrets anymore.

Knowing to keep your poppers is a good thing but what for?

  • To have an optimal preservation of their aromas.
  • To limit the risks of side effects.
  • To make sure your poppers don’t evaporate too quickly.

 We recommend that you use your poppers for as many as 4 weeks as the effects tend to decrease rapidly.

We also advise you to avoid any change in temperature for your favorite poppers.

Keep your poppers in a ventilated place

You have certainly noticed that poppers have a strong smell, that’s why it’s advisable to store them in a place that will not contaminate your whole home. Keeping them in a dry and ventilated place is the best solution whatever the brand of poppers you have ( Jungle Juice, Blue Boy, Everest…) or the type ( amyl nitrite, propyl nitrite or pentyl nitrite).

Keep your bottle of aroma in your fridge

The fridge is the right place for your bottles of poppers. It’s a well-known tip that works well. The enemy of poppers is heat. Indeed as they’re sold in a liquid state (and sometimes solid)  they will tend to evaporate in a warm environment. This tip can be useful in Europe where we have a rather temperate climate but it will be very useful if you wish to travel in warm and exotic countries. 

Never forget that the fridge will make your poppers stay as fresh as possible but you’ll have to be careful and avoid it if you have children.

keep your poppers fresh in the fridge

Keep away from children

Never forget to keep poppers away from children as these little bottles may look attractive to them. In case of ingestion, call a doctor immediately !

Poppers are also flammable, which is another reason for keeping them away from children.

Please take this advice seriously as the ingestion of nitrites are very dangerous.

To conclude

Watch out for poppers that are too old or badly kept because they can be harmful and have side effects such as burning your skin…

Inhaling these products has to be done under certain conditions : having fresh poppers that were stored in a dry place and away from light and children.

Don’t forget that nitrites are volatil products that need to be replaced regularly in your stock (every 3 or 4 weeks after opening)

See a doctor immediately if you suffer from any unusual side effect.


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