Perrier poppers cocktail

Poppers cocktail

New Year’ s Eve is coming and it’s your last chance for binge drinking and new resolutions. In order to enjoy these last days and above all these last hours before the clock ticks the end of 2019, many of you will take advantage of them by sipping any types of cocktails. Some of you may have planned to prepare a poppers-made cocktail with their favourite magical liquid but do you really know what these kinds of cocktails are?

Poppers cocktail is not for drinking but for inhaling and we take this opportunity to remind you that you mustn’t ever drink poppers. The risks are lethal and the minimum you could have is serious and irreversible health problems.

Poppers Cocktail or Perrier Cocktail

You won’t find our Perrier cocktail in a grocery store or a pub nor ready-made for sale. However if you find one on sale , we advise you not to buy it because Perrier cocktails are home-made drinks.

Though this recipe has been known for over 10 years, I just discovered this cocktail last October on the edge of a kitchen sink during a party. Shame on me! For a retailer of poppers, not knowing this type of things is quite shameful but still I decided to write about it because I found this drink so strong ! Strong sensations are guaranteed but this doesn’t go without any risks.

The recipe

2 ice cubes and 8 volumes of Perrier for one volume of poppers. You mix and then cover the glass with a plate or a beer mat or any other type of lid. You then wait from 30 to 60 seconds and that’s all there is to it.

This quite a simple recipe made with cheap ingredients depending on the sort of diluent you choose. Your choice can range from sodas as Coke or Fanta, to sparkling water or even cider or champagne.

Any type of poppers can be added to your exceptional drink. However, the type of nitrite that you’ll select for your cocktail will have a spcific effect. If you choose poppers made from amyl nitrite, your cocktail will certainly be hard! And your recipe can be made from propyl nitrite, pentyl nitrite or even a mixture of nitrites. You will find over 100 references of poppers made by the best world manufacturers on our website.

Poppers Cocktail

How to consume your poppers.

The way to consume your cocktail is similar to the one when you take poppers. You take the lid off and inhale the vapours through your nose. Take a deep breath and enjoy the tenfold effects of your poppers. Beginners should refrain from this or be prepared to hang tight. Be careful and don’t inhale too much if you test this cocktail for the first time.

Once your cocktail is over, you need to clean the bottom of your glass and throw away the rest of your cocktail in a bin and not in your sink.

The ingredients to make your cocktail of poppers.


  • 2 ice cubes. They are really useful as their purpose is to cool the cocktail so that your poppers won’t get warm and then evaporate and degrade. Warm poppers lose their quality and can be harmful.


  • A rather deep than wide glass.
  • A small plate to put on the top of your glass to make sure your mixture doesn’t evaporate after inhaling it. You can also use a beer mat except if your glass has a rubber lid, which would be ideal.

The effects of the poppers cocktail

Just for the record, the first time I tested this cocktail, the ingredient was Everest Aromas Premium and as it is ranked as the most powerful in the world, its effects were really powerful since it was mixed with Perrier. Being too powerful, I advise beginners not to test this type of cocktail.

Poppers cocktails increase the powers of poppers and you favourite liquid transcends its effects. The high will be quick – almost instantaneous – and will last longer. Poppers such as Everest Premium will give you ultra intense hot flushes and when their effects will decrease, you’ll feel indisputably relaxed. Their aroma is 10 times stronger hence the need to close the lid during parties with friends. Such poppers are so powerful. My advice: don’t let beginners use them.

On the contrary, if your purpose is to have wild sex for hours, then this cocktail could be the right technique. Close your doors, your windows and put your cocktail with the lid off on a table for a few minutes. Once your foreplay is over, put the lid back on the glass. Your room will be filled with the aphrodisiac vapours of your poppers.

Poppers Cocktail

The side effects

If you take too much of this devilish cocktail, you could have side effects as a sparkling drink added to poppers has stronger effects. A high dose of this cocktail can cause headaches.

Harmful effects will occur in case of overconsumption and these effects resemble the ones of poppers except that the side effects are as strong as your cocktail, which means they can be more than very strong.

Unfortunately for me, on the night of my first experience, I slept in the living room. Someone had bumped into the glass – which was close to the sink – but hadn’t cleaned the mess totally. The glass had been left open with the rest of the cocktail and I inhaled this foul smell during my sleep which gave me a bad and long lasting headache the day after.

Health tips

Cocktails are a funny experience but they do have risks especially for your health. We remind you that this must be occasional and not an everyday routine. Here are some tips if you don’t want to spoil the end of 2019 and start 2020 well.

  • Do not over use this type of cocktails.
  • Do not inhale in too short intervals. Let’s say that 2 inhalations in 30 minutes are more than enough according to the strength of your poppers.
  • Do not inhale through a poppers inhaler or gas mask.
  • Rinse the bottom of the glass with cold water before throwing the rest away.
  • Do not put your cocktail close to any source of fire, flames or even matches.
  • Do not drink.
  • Do not drink poppers.
  • Keep away from children.
  • Beginners should watch out.
  • If you are ill or have a cold, do not sniff your cocktail as the effects will be increased.
  • If you suffer from respiratory or heart disease, do not inhale. Avoid courting disaster.
  • Do not consume if you have cuts on your face, your nose or your mouth. Vapours will irritate your cuts more.


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